Working with configuration files in Go.

- 4 mins read
Working with configuration files in Go. Modern applications typically necessitate various configurations, tailored to each specific environment like development, testing, and production. These configurations often encompass service account credentials and links to supporting services, including databases. In modern web development can be very complex to say the least, when it comes to development and configuration, using the twelve-factor app methodology Let’s see how we can use Viper when it comes to environment configuration.

Building With Interfaces in Go

- 3 mins read
Introduction Interfaces in Go are a versatile tool that can greatly enhance the way we design and build programs. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Go interfaces can be leveraged to create a flexible and extensible system for making various types of toys. The World of Toy Creation Imagine you are developing a toy factory application in Go. Your factory can produce a wide range of toys, from teddy bears to action figures and remote-controlled cars.

Building Structs With Go

- 3 mins read
Introduction Structs in the Go programming language serve as fundamental building blocks for creating custom data structures. They enable us to encapsulate and organize data effectively. In this blog post, we’ll explore Go structs by using the analogy of creating a toy to better understand their syntax, usage, and best practices. What is a Struct? In Go, a struct is like a blueprint for creating custom data types. Think of it as a recipe for building something unique.